Shelby Wolschleger, RRT Cardiopulmonary Department Manager and patient Jeanette Geiger
Cardiopulmonary Services
Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT)
What are pulmonary function tests (PFTs)?
Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) are a group of tests that measure how well your lungs work. This includes how well you’re able to breathe and how effective your lungs are able to bring oxygen to the rest of your body.
Why are these tests done?
Your doctor will order these tests to determine how your lungs are working. If you already have a condition that’s affecting your lungs, your doctor may order this test to see if the condition is progressing or how it’s responding to treatment.
PFTs can help diagnose:
bronchiectasis, a condition in which the airways in the lungs stretch and widen
asbestosis, a condition caused by exposure to asbestos
sarcoidosis, an inflammation of your lungs
scleroderma, a disease that affects your connective tissue
pulmonary tumor
weaknesses of the chest wall muscles
To schedule your pulmonary function testing, please call Central Scheduling at 989-479-5024. Please note a doctor's order is required for this test.
Pulmonary Rehab
What is Pulmonary Rehabilitation?
Pulmonary Rehab is designed for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with cardiopulmonary disease. Our Respiratory Care and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program is physician directed and provides an individualized personal treatment plan. Our Pulmonary Rehab Program includes diagnostic testing, therapeutic exercise, educational training, and outcomes assessment as part of your individualized treatment plan.
Expected Outcomes Include:
Reduced respiratory symptoms
increased strength and exercise endurance
increased knowledge about your respiratory condition and management of your healthcare
Reduced tobacco consumption
Improved quality of life and independence
minimized anxiety and depression
Reduced exacerbations and hospitalizations
The ability to return to work for many patients
For more information about our Pulmonary Rehab
program please call (989)479-3945 to speak with
Danielle Stanton RRT RCP, Program Director. Please
note a doctor's order is required for Pulmonary
Rehabilitation Services.
Additional Information:
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Brochure